What is BMI and how do you calculate it?
It is difficult to know what an individual’s ideal weight should be because it is affected by various factors such as age, medical history and daily activities.
BMI is used to categorise people into weight categories. The results of a BMI measurement can give an idea about whether a person has the correct weight for their height.
BMI helps us to screen for certain weight levels that could lead to health problems, and a high or low BMI can serve as an indicator of poor diet, varying activity levels, or high stress. If your BMI is far from ideal for a prolonged time, it may lead to critical illnesses such as stroke, heart disease, and even cancer.
However, having an ideal BMI doesn’t guarantee you protection from the illness, but we can assure you are covered effortlessly should you have to face the uncertainties. FWD offers a takaful plan that covers you from critical illness and its lifestyle impact with FWD CI First. Connect to our Financial Wealth Consultant now to know more.