Are you optimally satisfied with your spending? Discover 5 tips to spend smarter. You’ll be surprised how many little things can make you happier by spending money wisely:
- Buy Experiences – Material things provide less happiness than experiential purchases.
- Make it a Treat – When something is always available, people are less inclined to appreciate it. Look for ways to turn your favourite things into a treat again.
- Buy Time – You’ll be surprised how many little things can make you happier by spending money wisely. When you have more time, you’ll likely be happier and feel fulfilled.
- Pay Now, Consume Later – You’ll be happier if you pay in advance and defer the consumption, because it allows you to enjoy the pleasures of anticipation without spoiling the feelings of excitement.
- Invest in Others – Spending money on others, such as a donation or a treat for your family and friends, provides a happier boost than spending money on yourself.
An alternative way to spend smartly is by magnifying your wealth for your future financial goals. With FWD Invest First Plus, you can do that! Contact our agent for more details!