FWD affiliate

Tips to Healthy Eating this Hari Raya!

Just like any other Malaysian festive season, the way to celebrate it is through food! Hari Raya is almost here! Ketupat, rendang, chicken curry and kuah lodeh are just some of the most anticipated dishes during this celebration. It’s common to overindulge during festive seasons and because of this, we end up with unnecessary weight … Continued

FWD CI First

A critical illness protection plan which provides a lump sum cash payment in the event of a major illness. Most Malaysians have medical protection. However, few of us have critical illness protection that protects our financial wellbeing in the event of a major illness. Often, this is because we believe critical Illness plans to be … Continued

Health Screening Myth

Debunking Myths and Misconception about Health Screening “I feel healthy. Why do I need to go for a health screening?” You’ve probably thought this before. But little did you know, early health screenings can promote timely detection which can save you and your loved ones from various health risks. There are several myths revolving around … Continued

FWD Future First

Lindungi aset paling berharga anda. Lindungi orang tersayang daripada situasi yang tidak dijangka dengan FWD Future First. FWD Future First memastikan kesejahteraan keluarga anda dengan bantuan kewangan dan sokongan emosi, untuk memastikan keluarga anda mampu bangkit kembali *Tertakluk pada terma dan syarat.

Be Financially Savvy!

Tips to manage your finances. Creating a financially secure life can feel like a daunting task, but the management of personal finances plays a significant role when seeking financial freedom. It’s never too late to get started.

Tentang Strok

Faktor-faktor dan cara mencegah strok Strok atau angin ahmar adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh salur darah tersumbat yang mengganggu bekalan oksigen ke sebahagian otak. Strok selama ini hanya dikaitkan dengan golongan tua tetapi sebenarnya boleh menyerang golongan muda seawal dalam lingkungan bayi sehing­ga yang berusia bawah 45 tahun. Oleh itu, adalah perlu bagi kita mengurangkan … Continued

Pencegahan Penyakit Buah Pinggang

Lindungi buah pinggang anda! Bilangan pesakit buah pinggang di seluruh negara dijangka meningkat setinggi 106,000 orang menjelang tahun 2040. Walaupun tanpa sebarang simptom, kita perlu sentiasa menjaga kesihatan untuk mencegah penyakit buah pinggang dari awal.

Costs of Healthcare

How will the rising costs of healthcare affect Malaysians? Malaysians are likely to experience an increase in healthcare costs every year due to the surge of medical inflation rates.This is due to the rise in non-communicable diseases, as well as longer life-span of Malaysians and therefore increasing demand for long-term medical services and medication.Make sure … Continued

Different Types of Tumours

How do we know which tumours are cancerous? It is important to get regular medical checkups. Through these checkups, doctors will be able to tell if there are any lumps or changes in your body that requires treatment. Early detection is important because the earlier we catch the signs, the higher the recovery rate. Learn … Continued

The Effects of Stroke

What happens after a stroke? The effects of stroke can be different for each patient, as it depends on which part of the brain experienced a stroke. A common effect of stroke is communication problems because it is a capability that requires many parts of the brain to work together. Luckily, this can be improved … Continued