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4 Ways to Be More Prudent and More Financially Stable

Plan out how much you’re allowed to spend: have a basic budget plan such as rough estimation on allowed daily expenditure Don’t be financially dependent on other people. Instead, spend less or find a way to earn more. Use saving tactics such as enrolling for loyalty programs, opting for energy savings electrical appliances and recycle … Continued

Is your savings enough for your retirement?

Whether you are just starting out or getting closer to your golden years, here are 3 retirement tips to ensure that you won’t outlive your retirement savings. Diversify your investments – EPF recommends a minimum amount of RM228,000 by the time you’re 55, which gives RM950 in monthly expenditures over 20 years. Strive to supplement this … Continued

Should I Withdraw My EPF Savings?

Is it important to keep my savings in EPF if I do not have money to survive now? This year has been undoubtedly challenging! With widespread job losses and salary cuts, it’s no surprise that many Malaysians would want to withdraw their retirement savings earlier. When you find yourself making that decision, it is important … Continued

Be Financially Savvy!

Tips to manage your finances. Creating a financially secure life can feel like a daunting task, but the management of personal finances plays a significant role when seeking financial freedom. It’s never too late to get started.

Claiming Tax Relief

Income tax reliefs from your contributions I came across this post that shared how you can claim income tax relief from your contributions. Depending on the type of coverage, you can claim up to 100% of your contributions. Now I know that getting coverage not only protects my future, it also helps to protect my … Continued