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How do you become a good financial role model?

Not many people can afford to leave a multi-million inheritance to their children, but we can cultivate good financial habits. Setting a good example for your children now by building wealth through budgeting, debt management, saving, and investing will instil good financial habits in them. Discover the following tips to help you to become a … Continued

Do you know that you can generate income using apps? Check out these apps that can help you earn additional income: Cashback – If you love shopping, cashback is a great way to earn extra money. Robo-advisor – Low annual fees and simple account setup process. Great for newbies investing. Affiliates – Share links to … Continued

FWD Income First

Leaving the family nest is a thrilling milestone – but living on your own requires a bigger financial commitment. Besides rent, you’ll need to consider maintenance and other emergencies. Check out these tips on the link above to make sure everything’s smooth-sailing. FWD Income First is the right plan for you to get takaful coverage … Continued

How Are Malaysians Doing Financially in 2021?

Malaysians have found it difficult to practice good financial habits as a result of the pandemic and high cost of living, particularly when it comes to saving for emergencies, financial protection, retirement readiness and legacy planning. Staying on top of your finances isn’t easy given today’s economic uncertainties. Find out how Malaysians are doing financially … Continued

The 5 Principles of Smarter Spending

Are you optimally satisfied with your spending? Discover 5 tips to spend smarter. You’ll be surprised how many little things can make you happier by spending money wisely: Buy Experiences – Material things provide less happiness than experiential purchases. Make it a Treat – When something is always available, people are less inclined to appreciate … Continued

Early financial literacy among our youth

Ever since the pandemic has taken a toll, many have faced challenging situations involving livelihoods and the critical need for people to have sufficient savings to survive rainy days. This is particularly crucial among our youths, who‘ve become more vulnerable economically, and their low level of financial literacy. Here are some worrying statistics about Malaysian … Continued

How much do I need to retire?

A key part of retirement planning is to know how much one needs for their retirement. The answer varies by individual, and it depends largely on your income now and the lifestyle you want during retirement. Here are some tips to help answer your retirement questions: Determine your retirement income – it should be about … Continued

5 Efficient Ways to Invest in Your Future

Investing in your future isn’t an easy task and may be complicated. However, it’s essential to provide yourself with a  carefree future. Here are some ways that can help you to manage your budget correctly for your future: House – Having your own house means that you become more independent, secured and responsible. However, don’t … Continued

3 Smart Money Moves to Plan for Financial Security

It’s easy to put off important tasks and say you’ll do them some other day. However, one thing that you shouldn’t delay is financial planning because it causes us to delay a lot of other things too. Statistics show that people were more likely to put off buying houses, making career moves and even undergoing … Continued

4 Tips For Parents To Start Investing

It’s important to make investing a high priority so that we can enjoy long-term benefits. For young couples who are at the early stage of their careers or who may be thinking about having a family, now is the time to start thinking about saving for retirement and college tuition for their generation to come. … Continued