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Common Misconceptions about Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance. Your body needs it to build cells and make vitamins and other hormones. Let’s discover the common misconceptions about cholesterol. 1 – You don’t need your cholesterol checked until middle age – Doctor recommends adults age 20 and older have their cholesterol (and other risk factors) checked every four to … Continued

Health Screening Myth

Some common ideas about health screening cause unnecessary delay or anxiety, and it’s important to dispel them. Here are the common assumptions about health screening, and the truth about them: 1) I was clear during my last health screening – that means I’m safe and don’t need to screen again – Your last screening will … Continued

What should you do when you’re attacked by a stroke?

Stroke is a brain attack, occurs when brain cells clot or burst. It is an emergency and no one is prepared for it. How fast you receive medical help will determine the chances of a good recovery. If you’re attacked by a stroke, get yourself to a stroke ready hospital immediately. If your stroke is caused by … Continued

How Much Does It Cost to Treat Cancer?

With 10 million deaths around world recorded in 2020, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in this modern era. Thanks to the marvels of modern medicine, the survival rate of cancer has increased tremendously in recent times. However, there is another thing that many do not openly talk about regarding cancer – … Continued

Are your Kidneys OK?

About one in ten general populations globally have some form of chronic kidney disease. Are you one of them? Kidney plays an important role in our body such as eliminates toxic from our body and regulates essential hormone. The modern unhealthy lifestyle has given great stress to our kidney as chronic kidney disease (CKD) rising … Continued

Top Causes of Death in Malaysia

What is the main cause of death in Malaysia? Let’s have a look at the statistic! Ischaemic heart diseases are the number 1 cause of death in Malaysia. This happens when plaque builds up in our artery walls, making it narrower and more difficult for blood to flow to the heart. Unsurprisingly, seeking medical treatment … Continued

Does Malaysian lifestyle leads to obesity?

Lifestyle plays an important role to our health. We often pinpoint the reasons why our health decline without looking at the big picture. The truth is, our health is not just determined by a single habit – our overall lifestyle is more important. Here are some key lifestyle practices that can lead to obesity. Obesity … Continued

Understanding Your Body Signal

Our body would often let us know if something is not right. But do we listen to them? If you feel uncomfortable and observe changes to your ability to see, talk, walk, think clearly, or communicate, or if you experience chest pain or shortness of breath – call the ambulance! Don’t wait to see if … Continued

Understanding Body Mass Index (BMI)

What is BMI and how do you calculate it? It is difficult to know what an individual’s ideal weight should be because it is affected by various factors such as age, medical history and daily activities. BMI is used to categorise people into weight categories. The results of a BMI measurement can give an idea … Continued

Malaysia’s Rising Obesity Rate

MCO habits resulting in obesity and chronic diseases Malaysians are experiencing weight gain during the Covid-19 lockdown period! This is unsurprising as people who are homebound tend to do less physical activities and order food easily through delivery services. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle can result in chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, and heart … Continued