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5 Foods To Rejuvenate Your Body During the “New Normal”

Several food trends have emerged over the past few months on social media as we’re under lockdown due to pandemic. The situation during the lockdown presented individuals with time to try out many comfort food recipes. Here we bring you some of the healthy food options which can help rejuvenate your body during the “new … Continued

How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?

Scientific research makes clear that sleep is essential at any age. Sleep powers the mind, restores the body, and fortifies virtually every system in the body. But how much sleep do we really need in order to get these benefits? Health experts advise that adults (including older adults) need between 7 and 8 hours of … Continued

5 Ways towards Healthy Eating Habits

In this fast-paced modern life, many of us tend to consume foods that are easy to get and prepare such as fast and instant foods. It’s not only delicious, but most of it is inexpensive too. However, little do we know that healthy eating habits can be affordable too! Healthy eating habits don’t have to … Continued

Common Misconceptions about Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance. Your body needs it to build cells and make vitamins and other hormones. Let’s discover the common misconceptions about cholesterol. 1 – You don’t need your cholesterol checked until middle age – Doctor recommends adults age 20 and older have their cholesterol (and other risk factors) checked every four to … Continued

Health Screening Myth

Some common ideas about health screening cause unnecessary delay or anxiety, and it’s important to dispel them. Here are the common assumptions about health screening, and the truth about them: 1) I was clear during my last health screening – that means I’m safe and don’t need to screen again – Your last screening will … Continued

What should you do when you’re attacked by a stroke?

Stroke is a brain attack, occurs when brain cells clot or burst. It is an emergency and no one is prepared for it. How fast you receive medical help will determine the chances of a good recovery. If you’re attacked by a stroke, get yourself to a stroke ready hospital immediately. If your stroke is caused by … Continued

FWD CI First

A critical illness protection plan which provides a lump sum cash payment in the event of a major illness. Most Malaysians have medical protection. However, few of us have critical illness protection that protects our financial wellbeing in the event of a major illness. Often, this is because we believe critical Illness plans to be … Continued

FWD Critical Illness Waiver

Protect your future and loved ones. Critical illness can happen to both young and old. With FWD Critical Illness Waiver, we will pay you 100% of the sum covered if you are diagnosed with 1 of the 36 critical illnesses that we cover.Get yourself protected today so you can stay on track with your plans … Continued

FWD CI First

There’s no room for complexity or constraints when it comes to your protection. We’re happy to announce that FWD Takaful now has an enhanced critical illness protection, FWD CI First! It covers for early to advance stages of critical illnesses as well as Intensive Care Unit hospitalisation up to 7 days. Protect you and your … Continued